Check out Weldall’s FAQ page to find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our capabilities and the services we provide.

Weld News

Find the latest news articles about Weldall and the Welding Fabrication Industry here on Weld News.

Conversion Calculator

Use our handy online Conversion Calculator to convert between Metric & Standard units of Measurement, Weight, Temperature & Force. This conversion tool also can convert Tons to Lbs, Lbs to Kilos, Ft/Lbs to Joules, Inches to Millimeters, MPa to PSI to KSI & Carbon Equivalency.

Plant Tour

Take a virtual tour of the Weldall Facility. Tour is complete with pictures and descriptions of all the various equipment & machine centers throughout the plant!

Case Studies

Still wondering if we can handle your project?  Take a look at all of our success stories of previous fabrication projects and it should alleviate all of your concerns.

Weldall Literature

Learn more about Weldall, Milwaukee Metal Fabrication Company.

Welding Terminology

A handy glossary for the most common welding terms.